Saturday, August 2, 2008

Inc. or "Honest to Blog!"

It is natural that there will be a lag time between introduction and complete incorporation into the population's vernacular. It takes time for a word to sweep through the playground, the office, the nation. (Note: Skadoosh is the rare exception. Its unheard of 4-day infiltration of the English language set records. Thank you, Kung Fu Panda) Proper use in all cases, especially in the ever-expanding pool of technological terms, is nigh impossible.
It was only 2004, four short years ago, that the word 'blog" made it into our dictionaries. With all of its different forms--verb, noun, adjective (!?)--it can not be expected that even our tech-savvy generation will use it correctly, in all cases.
I'd like to posit that the word "blog" is especially troublesome to use properly because of its rare "bl" sound. Of all the sounds in our phenome, the "bl" not a commonly used one. This gives the word an air of mystery that will surround it until one truly investigates its meaning.
"She did one of those 'blogs'," I can hear my grandpa saying with the same resigned voice he uses when he says "television", "internets", and "yoga".
"No, Grandpa," I want to answer with an infinite amount of patience. It is of the utmost importance he understands. "She wrote a blog about that today."

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